
Supplemental Privacy Notice - CHINA


本补充隐私声明(“声明”)适用于中国公民的所有个人信息,是您(以下称为“用户”或“您”)与IDEAL INDUSTRIES, INC.及其家族公司(统称为“IDEAL”或“本公司”)签订的约束性法律协议。

This Supplemental Privacy Notice (“Notice”) applies to all personal information of Chinese citizens and is a legally binding agreement between you (“User”, “you” or “your”) and IDEAL INDUSTRIES, INC., and its family of companies (collectively “IDEAL,” “we,” “us,” or “our”).



We greatly respect your privacy and your trust and confidence in us. We are fully committed to protecting any data that you share with us in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law of the Peoples Republic of China (2021).



This Notice describes the types of information we may collect from you or that you may provide (“Personal Information”) on the https://www.andersonpower.com website (“Website”) and any of its related products and services (collectively, “Services”), and our practices for collecting, using, maintaining, protecting, and disclosing that Personal Information. It also describes the choices available to you regarding our use of your Personal Information and how you can access and update it.



If you do not agree to the processing of your personal information in the way described in this Notice, please cease to access our Websites or services. By continuing to access our services you are accepting the terms described within this Notice.



What kind of personal information do we collect about you.



Whilst using, accessing, or consuming any of our services, we may request that you provide personal information to deliver such services and this information may be used to identify you as a specific individual, directly or indirectly (“Personal Information” or “PI”).



We commit to only requesting the minimal personal information required to deliver services including:

·       基本个人信息,包括您的全名、职位名称、所在公司名称、邮政地址、电子邮件地址和电话号码。

Basic Personal Information – this will include your full name, your job title, your company name, your postal address, your email address, and your phone number.

·       其他类别见本公司隐私政策第2章

Other categories stated in Section 2 of our Privacy Policy.



Sensitive personal information.


We do not intend to collect sensitive personal data unless we are legally required to do so. Examples of sensitive personal data include ethnic origin, political opinions, religion or beliefs, trade union membership, genetic or health status, sexual orientation, and criminal records. If you choose to provide sensitive personal data to us for any reason, the act of doing so constitutes your explicit consent, where such consent is necessary and valid under your local law, for us to collect and use that information in the ways described in this Privacy Notice or as described by us and accepted by you at the point where you disclosed such information. Before sensitive personal data is provided by the you, you must contact us. We will clarify to you whether the provision of the sensitive personal data is required by law or contract or is necessary for the conclusion of the contract, and whether there is an obligation to provide the sensitive personal data and the consequences of non-provision of such data. Do not provide sensitive personal data to us, unless you hereby consent to our use of that data for its legitimate business purposes and consent to the transfer and storage of such information to and from our databases.



How do we use the information we collect about you.



We may need to collect and use certain Personal Information to provide the goods and services that we provide to you. Any personal information shared with us will only be for business purposes and if permitted by law. If you do not provide the information that we request, we may not be able to provide you with the requested products or services. Any of the information we collect from you may be used for the following purposes:


·       履行合约责任

Contractual obligations

·       从事业务支持活动

Business support activities

·       发送营销和促销信息

Send marketing and promotional communications.

·       发送产品和服务更新信息

Send product and service updates.

·       运营网站或执行售后服务部

Run and operate the Website and Services


Processing your Personal Information can only be undertaken where there is a lawful basis to do so. These lawful bases are described in the Personal Information Protection Law of the Peoples Republic of China (PIPL) Article 13 and their applicability depends on how you interact with our Website and/or Services. Any data processed by us will meet one of the following conditions:


·       您出于一个或多个特定目的已经同意本公司处理上述数据;

You have given your consent for one or more specific purposes;

·       提供上述信息是履行与您所签协议和/或任何签约前义务的一项必要条件;

Provision of information is necessary for the performance of an agreement with you and/or for any pre-contractual obligations thereof;

·       处理上述信息是您履行自身所承担的法律义务所必需的一项条件;

Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which you are subject; and

·       处理上述信息与为了公共利益或为行使赋予本公司的官方权力而执行的任务相关。

Processing is related to a task that is carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in us.



Note that under some legislations we may be allowed to process information until you object to such processing by opting out, without having to rely on consent or any other of the legal bases. In any case, we will be happy to clarify the specific legal basis that applies to the processing, and in particular whether the provision of Personal Information is a statutory or contractual requirement, or a requirement necessary to enter into a contract.



Your Rights



According to relevant laws, regulations, and standards in China, as well as common practices in other countries and regions, we will ensure your following rights to your PI:


I.   访问个人信息。

Access your personal information.


You have the right to access your personal Information unless laws and regulations specify otherwise. We have a duty to provide the required information upon request:

1.     本公司所持有的您的个人信息和个人信息类型;

Your PI and types of PI held by us;

2.     本公司获取您的个人信息的来源;

The source from where we obtained your PI; and

3.     获取您的个人信息的任何第三方的身份或类型

The identity or type of any third party who has obtained your PI.



If you wish to access your data, you can do so by sending an email to privacy@idealindustries.com or by submitting a Privacy Policy Submission Form. We will respond to your access request within 30-days.


   II.         更正个人信息。

Rectify your personal information.


When you find a mistake in your information that we are processing, you have the right to ask us to rectify it. You can submit a rectification request through the channels listed in “(I.) Access your Personal Information”.


 III.         删除个人信息

Delete your Personal Information


You can submit a request to delete your PI to us under the following circumstances:

1.     当本公司对与您相关个人信息的处理违反法律法规时;

If our processing of PI violates laws or regulations;

2.     当本公司未经您的同意收集和使用您的个人信息时;

If we collected and used your PI without your consent;

3.     当本公司对与您相关个人信息的处理违反了本公司与您所签协议时;

If our processing of PI breaches our agreement with you;

4.     当您不再使用本公司的产品或服务,或者您已经取消了您在本公司网站注册的帐户时;

If you no longer use our products or services or you have cancelled your account; or

5.     当本公司不再向您提供产品或服务时。

If we no longer provide you with products or services.



When we decide to respond to your deletion request, we will also inform the entity that acquires your PI from us and ask it to delete your PI without delay, unless otherwise specified in laws and regulations, or the entity has acquired specific authorization from you.


When you delete the information from our services, we might not immediately delete the corresponding information from our backup system but will delete it when the backup system is updated.


 IV.         更改同意范围。

Change the scope of your consent.


Where consent has been provided to obtain personal information, you can give or withdraw your consent at any time. To do so, please submit a rectification request through the channels listed in “(I.) Access your Personal Information”.


   V.         限制信息系统的自动化决策。

Restrict automated decision-making by information systems.


We do not use automated decision-making technologies within our company or associated companies.


 VI.         回复上述请求。

Respond to your above-mentioned requests.


For security, you might be required to submit written requests or prove your identity by other means. We might ask you to verify your identity before handling your request.


We will respond in 30 days. If you are not satisfied, you can file a complaint by sending an email to privacy@idealindustries.com.



We will not charge you for your reasonable requests in principle. However, a fee to reflect the cost will be imposed as appropriate on repeated requests beyond reasonable scope. As for repeated requests that are groundless and need excessive technological means (e.g., developing a new system or fundamentally changing the current practices) to fulfil, bring about risks to others’ legitimate rights and interests or are downright impractical (e.g., Involving information stored on a backup disk), we might reject.



We will not be able to respond to your request under the following circumstances:

1.     影响本公司履行法定义务时;

Related to our compliance with the obligations under the laws and regulations;

2.     直接影响国家安全或者国防安全时;

Directly related to national security or defence security;

3.     直接影响公共安全、公共卫生或者重大公共利益时;

Directly related to public security, public health or major public interests;

4.     直接影响刑事调查、起诉、审判和法院判决的执行时;

Directly related to criminal investigations, prosecutions, trials and enforcement of court decisions, etc.;

5.     当本公司有足够的证据证明您有主观恶意或滥用权利时;

We have sufficient proof that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights

6.     当为了保障您或其他个人的生命、财产和其他重要合法权益而提出请求,但难以获得同意时;

For the purpose of safeguarding your life, property and other important legal rights and interests or those of other individuals but it is difficult to obtain consent;

7.     当回应您的请求将对您或其他个人或组织的合法权益造成严重损害时;

Responding to your request will cause serious harm to your legitimate rights and interests, or those of other individuals or organizations; or

8.     涉及商业秘密时。

Involving trade secrets.



How we entrust the processing, sharing, transfer and disclosure of your personal information


Entrustment of processing

本公司不会与不属于IDEAL INDUSTRIES, INC的任何外部供应商或公司和其家族企业共享您的个人信息。如果本公司需要任何第三方的协助,本公司将首先征求您的明确同意。

We will not share your personal information with any external vendors or companies that are not part of the IDEAL INDUSTRIES, INC., and its family of companies. If we require the assistance of any third parties, we will first obtain your explicit consent.






We will not share your PI with any company, organization or individual other than our Company, unless with your explicit consent.





We will not transfer your PI to any company, organization, or individual except under the following circumstances:

1.     经明确同意转让:在获得您的明确同意后,本公司才会将您的个人信息转让给IDEAL内部的其他方;

Transfer with explicit consent: after acquiring your explicit consent, we will transfer your PI to other parties within IDEAL.

2.     当个人信息的转让涉及合并、收购或破产、清算时,本公司将要求接收与您相关个人信息的其他公司或组织继续遵守本个人信息保护政策,否则本公司将要求该接收公司或组织再次寻求您的同意。

When the transfer of PI is involved in a(n) merger, acquisition or bankruptcy, liquidation, we will require the new company or organization to which your PI is transferred to continue to be bound by this Notice and our Privacy Policy, otherwise we will require the new company or organization to seek your consent again.



Public Disclosure


We will only publicly disclose your PI under the following circumstances:

1.     在本公司获得您的明确同意后;

After we obtain your explicit consent; or

2.     法定披露:本公司可能会根据法律、法规或政府机构的强制性要求公开披露您的个人信息,但是,如果数据需在海外与IDEAL的其他公司共享,任何此类合法请求只有在获得中国国家互联网信息办公室(CAC)批准后才会予以实现。

Statutory disclosure: we might publicly disclose your PI as stipulated by laws, regulations, or the mandatory requirements of government agencies however, where data is shared overseas with other IDEAL companies, any such legal requests will only be complied with upon approval from the Cyberspace Administration of China. (CAC)



Privacy of children



We do not knowingly collect any Personal Information from children under the age of 14. If you are under the age of 14, please do not submit any Personal Information through the Website and Services. If you have reason to believe that a child under the age of 14 has provided Personal Information to us through the Website and Services, please contact us to request that we delete that child’s Personal Information from our Services.



We encourage parents and legal guardians to monitor their children’s Internet usage and to help enforce this Notice by instructing their children never to provide Personal Information through the Website and Services without their permission. We also ask that all parents and legal guardians overseeing the care of children take the necessary precautions to ensure that their children are instructed to never give out Personal Information when online without their permission.





Our Website and Services use “cookies” to help personalize your online experience. A cookie is a text file that is placed on your hard disk by a web page server. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer. Cookies are uniquely assigned to you and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you.



We may use cookies to collect, store, and track information for security and personalization, and for statistical purposes. For further information on the cookies, we collect and their purpose, Please Click Here.



Data analytics



Our Website and Services may use third-party analytics tools that use cookies, web beacons, or other similar information-gathering technologies to collect information on how you use our Website. The information gathered is used to compile statistical reports on User activity such as how often Users visit our Website and Services, what pages they visit and for how long, etc. We use the information obtained from these analytics tools to monitor the performance and improve our Website and Services. We use “cookies” and related technologies to help identify you, operate our site, enhance your experience, and conduct advertising and analysis, among other uses. Some of these cookies are optional and are only used when you’ve agreed to them. You can consent to all our optional cookies at once or manage your own preferences by clicking ‘Customize’ on the cookie management tool on our Website.



Do Not Track Signals



Some browsers incorporate a Do Not Track feature that signals to websites you visit that you do not want to have your online activity tracked. Tracking is not the same as using or collecting information in connection with a website. For these purposes, tracking refers to collecting personally identifiable information from consumers who use or visit a website or online service as they move across different websites over time. How browsers communicate the Do Not Track signal is not yet uniform. As a result, the Website and Services are not yet set up to interpret or respond to Do Not Track signals communicated by your browser. Even so, as described in more detail throughout this Notice, we limit our use and collection of your Personal Information. For a description of Do Not Track protocols for browsers and mobile devices or to learn more about the choices available to you, visit internetcookies.com.



Email marketing



We may offer electronic newsletters to which you may voluntarily subscribe at any time. We are committed to keeping your e-mail address confidential and will not disclose your email address to any third parties except as allowed in the information use and processing section or for the purposes of utilizing a third-party provider to send such emails. We will maintain the information sent via e-mail in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.



All e-mails sent from us will clearly state who the e-mail is from and provide clear information on how to contact the sender. You may choose to stop receiving our newsletter or marketing emails by following the unsubscribe instructions included in these emails or by contacting us.



Links to other resources



The Website and Services contain links to other resources that are not owned or controlled by us. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other resources or third parties. We encourage you to be aware when you leave the Website and Services and to read the privacy statements of each and every resource that may collect Personal Information.


Information security



We secure information that you provide on computer servers in a controlled, secure environment, protected from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. We maintain reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safeguards in an effort to protect against unauthorized access, use, modification, and disclosure of Personal Information in our control and custody. However, no data transmission over the Internet or wireless network can be guaranteed.



Therefore, while we strive to protect your Personal Information, you acknowledge that:


·       互联网的某些安全和隐私限制超出了本公司的控制范围;

There are security and privacy limitations of the Internet which are beyond our control;

·       无法保证您与网站和服务项目之间交换的任何及所有信息和数据均受到安全性、完整性和隐私性保护;

The security, integrity, and privacy of any and all information and data exchanged between you and the Website and Services cannot be guaranteed; and

·       尽管本公司尽其所能提供保护,但任何此类信息和数据都可能在传输过程中被第三方查看或篡改。

Any such information and data may be viewed or tampered with in transit by a third party, despite best efforts.


Data breach



In the event we become aware that the security of the Website and Services has been compromised or Users’ Personal Information has been disclosed to unrelated third parties as a result of external activity, including, but not limited to, security attacks or fraud, we reserve the right to take reasonably appropriate measures, including, but not limited to, investigation and reporting, as well as notification to and cooperation with law enforcement authorities. In the event of a data breach, we will make the necessary reporting to the authorities in China and make reasonable efforts to notify affected individuals if we believe that there is a reasonable risk of harm to the User as a result of the breach or if notice is otherwise required by law. When we do, we will send you an email.



Changes and amendments



We reserve the right to modify this Notice or its terms related to the Website and Services at any time at our discretion. When we do, we will revise the updated date at the bottom of this page. We may also provide notice to you in other ways at our discretion, such as through the contact information you have provided.



An updated version of this Notice will be effective immediately upon the posting of the revised Notice unless otherwise specified. Your continued use of the Website and Services after the effective date of the revised Notice (or such other act specified at that time) will constitute your consent to those changes. However, we will not, without your consent, use your Personal Information in a manner materially different than what was stated at the time your Personal Information was collected.



Acceptance of this Notice



You acknowledge that you have read this Notice and agree to all its terms and conditions. By accessing and using the Website and Services and submitting your information you agree to be bound by this Notice. If you do not agree to abide by the terms of this Notice, you are not authorized to access or use the Website and Services.



Contacting us



If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this Notice, the information we hold about you, or if you wish to exercise your rights, we encourage you to contact us using the details below:







电话:+86 755 2768 2118




Chinese Representative



Block A8 Tantou Western Industrial Park

Songgang Baoan District

Shenzhen, PR China

Zip code: 518108

Tel: +86 755 2768 2118


We will attempt to resolve complaints and disputes and make every reasonable effort to honour your wish to exercise your rights as quickly as possible and, in any event, within the timescales provided by applicable data protection laws.



If you are not satisfied with our reply, especially if our processing of PI hurts your legal rights and interests, you can seek solutions through the following external channels:





电话:+86 10 8805 0686



Cyberspace Administration of China

225 Chaoyangmennei Da JieBeijing

China 100010

Telephone: +10 8805 0686

Website: www.cac.gov.cn



This document was last updated on October 20, 2023